Organic ideas: gateway to global health

Curriculum activity 1 Organic ideas: gateway to global health Visit too Khadi India, Fab India and Patanjali store (4 th October2019) In accordance with the ISA action plan, an in-house activity was conducted with the students of class IX, X, XI, XII. The team representatives from each of these classes along with the teachers Ms. Karishma, Ms. Archana and Ms. Ritika visit t o three places where organic products are manufactured and marketed. The key purpose of organizing this visit was to sensitise students about the growing importance of adopting chemical free products and eventually involve them in the manufacturing, labeling and packaging of organic products. The team foremost visited the Fab India store where they got firsthand experience about the wide variety of organic foods like fennel, flax seeds, turmeric, chocobar, spices, honey, green tea, lemon grass, etc. Range of cosmetics and clothing manufactured without the use of harmful chemica...