The Green Wall / Plantation Drive

MY PROMISE TO ENVIRONMENT GOING GREEN & CLEAN The Green Wall / Plantation Drive SMJPS organised an In –House Activity in August 2020, ‘ The Green Wall – Plantation Drive’. The students of classes VI-VIII participated whole heartedly in the event. Their guide teacher Ms. Manjusha Talwar instructed them about how to build a green wall by reusing plastic bottles. A few team leaders were appointed to tell the other students how to cut the bottles and how to prepare soil with manure. After this process, the bottles were taken outside in the garden and filled with the soil. Then the seedlings were chosen and bottles were arranged vertically on an iron mesh with the help of colourful bands. Responsibility of watering the plants was assigned to each class on alternate days. All the students took care of the green wall enthusiastically. Wonderful slogans, songs and colourful, posters were used to reinforce inspiration among the students. This act...